Wednesday, May 16, 2012

C# - Create an image puzzle game

Create an image puzzle game

1.Create a new project


2. Change the location


3.Click OK

 4. Make Form1 Bigger

 5. Change Form1 Name

 6. Press F5, Run it.

 7. Set Maximize Box Property as False

 8. Press F5, Run it.

The Maximize Box on the top-right, you are not able to use it to maximize the form.

 9. Set Start Position as CenterScreen

 10. Press F5 and run it, you will see the form is at the center of the screen.

 11. Set FormBorderStyle as FixedSingle

 12. Run it and you are not able to resize the form now.

13. Add a groupbox

 14. Change the Text to “Choose Image”

 15. Drag a textbox into group box

 16. Rename it as textboxImagePath.

17. Add a button into this group

 18. Change the text of the button to …

 19. Change the name of the button to buttonImageBrowse

 20. Add another group box, resize it to 444,444, and adjust form’s size if necessary

 21. Change its text to Puzzle

 22. Change its name to groupboxPuzzle

 23. Add another groupbox onto the form, adjust the form size, textbox’s size, button position and so on if necessary

 24. Change the text of this groupbox to Play Mode

 25. Add a button into “Play Mode” groupbox

 26. Change the text of the button to “Level  1”

 27. Change the name of the button to buttonLevel1

 28.Add three more buttons and change their names to Level 2, Level 3, Leve4 separately

 29. Change their names to buttonLevel2, buttonLevel3 and buttonLevel4

 30. Add another groupbox onto the form

 31. Change its Text to Status

 32. Add a label into Status groupbox

 33. Change the text of the label to Idle

 34. Change the name of the label to labelStatus

 35. Run it

 36. Single click buttonImageBrowse, go to Event tab under properties window. Single Click the Click Event

 37. Double click the right empty area of the Click event. You created a Click Event function for the button

 38. Go outside of the event click function, define a variable with OpenFileDialog class.

 39. Go into Click Event function.

 40. Go outside the event function and define am Image variable.

 41. Go into the Event function.

 42. Go outside of the event function, define a picturebox variable

 43. Go into the event function.

 44. Run it.

 45. Click Image Browse Button.

 46. Choose one image and open

 47. Go out of the event function and define a function.

 48. Go into the event function. Apply  this function.

 49, Run it, see the effect. The image was fully displayed.

 50. Go to Puzzle Form’s Design View and single click with mouse left button and go to its property window single click on Click event with mouse left button.

 51. Double click on the right side of the Click event, another event click function was generated.

 52. Go out of the event function and define a picture box array variable.

 53. Go into the event function

 54. Go out of the event function. Define a constant integer variable.

 55. Go into the event function.

 56. Go out of the event function. Define an Image array variable.

 57. Go into the event function.

 58.  Release the whole image picturebox
 59. Go out of the event function. Define an integer variable for current level

 60.  Create another prototype for CreateBitmapImage

61. Create a method to randomize the array

 62. Go into event function- buttonLevel1_Click
 63. Run it.

 64. Click Level 1 button

 65. Now, buttonLevel1_Click is very big, we need to refactor it, select the code in event function.
 66. Click mouse right button
 67. In the menu list, you choose Refactor->Extract Method
 68. Rename it to PlayLevel

 69. Click Ok

 70. Go into PlayLevel function, change BorderStyle for puzzle Picture Boxes

 71. Run it and see the effect.
 72. Add class
 73. Get this dialog
 74. Rename the class
 75. Click Add.
 76. Import the NameSpace
 77. Add parent class

 78. Add variables

 79. Add properties

 80. Property Index, leave the default name
 81. Click OK
 82. Click Apply
 83. Add another property
 84. Leave the default name
 85. Add a public function

 86. Goto Form1.cs, go into PlayLevel function, use MyPictureBox to replace PictureBox
 87.Run it, nothing has changed.

 88. Set Index

 89. Set Image Index

 90. Define a Click Event function
 91. Apply it to Picture Boxes

 92. Add click effect

 93. Run it and test clicking
 94. Go out of OnPuzzleClick event function, and define two MyPictureBox.

 95.Go to OnPuzzleClick event function.

 96. Run it and test, click on the puzzles.

 97. Go to add a new function
 98. Apply it into OnPuzzleClick

 99. Run it and test

 100.Make it in order

 101. Make an adjustment in code. Make the swapping action simpler.

 102. Run it and test
 103. Add checking logic

 104. Apply it.
 105. “Well Done!!!”

 106. Initialize the status.

 107. Run it and test.

 108. Initialize the textbox

 109. Run it and test
 110. Click Level 1
 111.Well Done.


denis said...

hey can you help me with this program . I hav some problemes with image display . and lvl

denis said...

hi , man i hav a problem with PictureBox when i make step 77. Add parent class , can you help me plss

jaku POL said...

you need to add:
using System.Windows.Forms;
in MyPictureBox class file preamble
The solution shows when you're mouse over ":PictureBox"

@Ding Jet
thanks for post. Very useful for the beginners like me.
Everything work.

Sumaiya said...

Hello, I have the same problem as denis. Please help.

Sumaiya said...

Hey denis I just solved the step 77 problem..just copy all the 'using[namespaces]' (sorry dont know what theyre called) from PuzzleGame.cs and paste them to MyPictureBox.cs. Works for me. Yaaay! :D Great easy to follow. I'm definitely sharing this with my friends

Anonymous said...

If I want to choose a picture from a restricted folder what changes I should do to step 43?

Unknown said...

Hi, I also have the same problem, and I'm intrested if you solve that problem.
hope you have an answer :)

Unknown said...

i have a problem with step 60, where i need to create this prototype?

Ding Jet said...

you can do it within the same class scope.

Unknown said...

it gives me an error anywhere i put it

Anonymous said...

how to continue to create puzzle from 8 squares? and what for are buttons leve2, level3 and level 4?

adv.mx2 said...

Ok, it's now 2018 and I did your tutorial.
I liked it because no other tutorial really explains how to make more than 3x3 grids, so I don't like that.
However, I have to say it would be good if the images had some type of arrows pointing to the differences, sometimes I kept reading the same entire image to spot the newly added line.
Also, it would be amazing if you explained some type of commands, since there are some little parts of your logic that I don't understand and I can't say I learned how to do a image puzzle game from scratch, so if I try to replicate this tutorial without looking at it, I can't do it. And the only reason for that is that you didn't explain some things, and that's sad because this is the most complete tutorial on this subject. So maybe someday you should make a video tutorial explaining every part so we can understand the logic a little better, would be amazing!
And thanks for letting us have more options to add by ourselves.

Ding Jet said...

Sorry for the long wait, please check my videos as the following for more information:

Please comment under the video and I will reply it as soon as possible.